<body> my wings are clipped./ caged in a world without you.
me. =DD
Ng Hui Jun
member of bB,O.I.C
the young and the hopeless
<-feel free to add me-> =DD

abt me.<3
a chocoholic,ice cream fanatic,pocky "craver",ipod maniac,emo/punk rock songs addict,thierry henry/alvaro recoba wannabe,the slightly not so of a tcher's pet,average guy wif a not so normal brain (my head's screwed)...ah the list goes on and on.
my ear candies...
good charlotte,green day,the all-american rejects,blink 182,simple plan,craig david,nickelback,etc.
oh! and...I LURVE MY DOG!! =DD

hates!! >.<
bastards(me included).bitches/
man utd.chelsea.some tchers.war.
(they deserve to be paid back tenfold).


ma FreNz =DD

MaiO SiA


Note : I juz post random songs dat i find nice. No hidden meaning =DD

Scars - Papa Roach


August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007


Designer : Ebullient*
Image: PGP.
Texture: I II.

shoot me dead. Friday, December 29, 2006

ok im really lazy to update my blog. furthermore im trying to complete my holiday homework which i have not touched for the whole of the holidays until now.
moreover, im rotting at home these days so there's nth much for me to post about. unless u wanna read about how i pull my hair out doing some stupid maths gibberish which i cant understand.
so i think the next time im gonna update is until nxt yr, which is like only a few more days ahead haha. so yea dun bother coming back until then, dat is if anyone bothers to read. ok cya. gotta continue doing hw.

bang. im out
8:45 pm <3


shoot me dead. Tuesday, December 26, 2006

ok. im gonna try to complete holiday assignment for the first ever time in my life. yepp ive never completed holiday assignments b4 in my life. not in sec sch. i was well known for not passing up hw in sec sch. and in pri sch there wasnt any holiday assignments and i started passing up homework late since pri 4. and at pri 5, i decided not to pass up homework all tgt.

ok dats beside the point. not passing up my hw aint anything to be proud of =.= now, i swear to god, to at least try my best to complete holiday assignments. be it ten questions, twenty questions or all, as long as ive tried my best, dats it. haha ok gimme some leeway la.

ok abt 5 more days to sch reopen. let the pen start scribbling!

bang. im out
8:10 pm <3


shoot me dead. Monday, December 25, 2006

in case i missed anyone. MERRY XMAS! =DD (uh ok abit too late but nvm la =DD)

hmm this yr christmas was spent at barry's hse wif the bb peeps (not boys brigade for god's sake). well we first went for dinner at causeway point coz its close to barry's hse. we started off wanting to go to sakae sushi for dinner. then after discussing, we actually decided on going to barry's hse then call pizza hut delivery but instd ended up in some thai restaurant called "siam kitchen". well it actually doesnt look a tad bit like a restaurant haha. ok so we paid 23 bucks in total wif service charge etc each for a set meal dat boasts of like 8 dishes. but omg, we're so conned. i mean it tastes like the "mixed vegetables rice" (dunno wad u call dat) in kopitiam yet so damn expensive. haha so we ended up scorning and cursing. ok typical of us.

after dinner, we then went to barry's hse for a sleepover. 4 of us played mahjong while the rest played on the 2 psp and 2 coms. hmm...playing mahjong on christmas, how weird haha. its as though its chinese new year. yea so we played mahjong until it was 7am. by then, only 4 was awake. and guess wad? soon was the first to be asleep as usual. then all of us went to sleep except me and eugene. we stayed up till 8 plus trying to make barry's psp work. we didnt suceed so we went to sleep haha. wad a waste of time.

i woke up at 1+ and then we stayed on and slacked. in the end we still ended up playing mahjong till arnd 6pm. haha die la all of us will become gambling addicts real soon.

ok dats a real lame way to cross xmas. i haf some pictures and i'll update it ltr i guess.

bang. im out
10:15 pm <3


shoot me dead. Tuesday, December 19, 2006

went to soon's hse for a sleepover. long time since we had one at soon's hse. well we were supposed to study but obviously we didnt. ended up watching some dumb thai horror movie which is not the least scary and instd very dumb and stupid. we didnt finish the movie, only watched disc1 and we decided to switch over to tokyo drift. however we cant seem to find the movie so we ended up doing nth. well eugene started his friendster stalking as usual. juz then, soon went off to call or to receive a call from...aiya u know who. doing nth, we then went to slp. today morning was boring too, we played ps2 and slacked. and went home? and yea so here i am. dats it. =(

bang. im out
6:23 pm <3


shoot me dead. Sunday, December 17, 2006


bang. im out
11:19 pm <3


shoot me dead. Thursday, December 14, 2006

ok. this post is regarding some stupid thoughts dat have been running thru my mind these days. i feel dat, we have gone overboard. well i really cant stand all the bastarding dat is going on. i mean look, ppl never really do anything against us so why must we kb her so terribly? oh and not only her. ok here goes, i dun give a shit if anyone comes and kb me too. i mean hey why kb kristine pearly and maybe shu han until this extent? i dunno who else is on the list but do they really deserve this much bastarding? the stuff i hear, is really damn hurtful. and if i was any single one of them, there's no telling wad i'll do. lots of time during the mass convr bastarding session, i would juz keep quiet or alt tab away. i mean damn, i feel guilty even merely looking at the stuff dat is being said. ok i do kb sometimes when im pissed. but at least not to dat extent whrby its as though they are worse than shit. ok yea maybe sometimes i dun really like kristine, but hey, when i read some of the comments, i actually side kristine. its not like they killed ur whole family. u say they kb. but u are stooping to their lvl if u kb them back. man urgh. screw this.

ok if u say im trying to act mr nice guy or something, suit urself. and don't come kbing me saying why i leak out and all. if u guys dare to say it, why not admit to it? who knows, one day i may be the one being backstabbed.

bang. im out
9:45 pm <3


shoot me dead. Wednesday, December 13, 2006

well had adjam yesterday (adventure jamboree)
its an annual joint event hosted by the universities in singapore for the jc odacs to compete (not sure if poly too). it was fun but damn tiring.

ok we were all divided into 10/9 groups i think. and the group i was in was called junkies. hmm ok haha junkies mean drug addicts or addicts i think. we had 2 GLs, joyce and robbin. i was in the same group as alex and shu han. my group was quite nice, especially 1 guy named junhan. haha dat guy is a joker man. at first when we all sat down in the lecture room wif our groups. junhan was wearing a singlet and his arm muscles are damn big. so its quite scary coz he looked damn strong. he walked down and threw his bag onto the table, then quietly sat at the side. he kinda looked like a professional killer or something haha. oh and he looks quite alike wif the basketball alvin, not alvin kwok dat joker.
then me and alex were like "omg. so fit". haha we even said we didnt wan to sit near him coz we look damn weak beside dat guy.

then we had a break, and we were all supposed to change into the adjam shirt dat was given to us. juz then, junhan turned around to talk to his fren. and guess wad, the way he talks is quite funny and u can kinda feel dat he's a joker haha. so me and alex was quite surprised. we all then started out by playing some little station games. and yea, we kinda sucked at these games =x

after dat, we then set off to the real thing, or at least half of the real thing. we started trekking singapore, or maybe taking buses arnd singapore to diff checkpoints located over the island. at the diff checkpoints, we have to do some stuff. like there was a rock climbing station. i tot i would make my team lose at this station coz of my sweaty palms rendering me unable to climb. in the end the rock wall was so easy. much easier then dat one at sch.

having completed dunno how many checkpoints, we had our dinner at maxwell food centre coz our last station was there. our GL told us to haf a short dinner there coz we had to cook our own food ltr at labrador park. oh btw robin is kinda the slacker. but he's willing to chiong wif all of us did. haha quite a nice guy. but he smokes =/ haha when we were trekking, he was smoking. said it made him awake at nite haha.

after dinner, we went to labrador park to gather wif the other groups. we first played a game of laser quest. haha yea laser quest at labrador park. its those combat games whr u were given a laser gun and a suit dat detects laser. haha so u have to shoot ur enemies down while hiding behind trees and chairs. the team wif the least death wins and oh, there was friendly fire too. haha i took the smallest gun, the spitfire. it has least range but shoots pretty fast and has kinda a shotgun effect whr by the laser effect was quite big. so i had to chiong in front to finish their team off.

at the start, i tried to run in front but couldnt was there was tons of ppl sniping from far. then i tried to shoot but the range was too short haha. so i died 2 times killing only 1 person. after dat, i anyhow chiong and managed to kill 3 before i died. haha one kill was damn stupid. coz the battlefield consisted of a toilet. then i was behind the toilet hiding when i hear the gun reloading sound coming out from the male toilet. obviously i juz stuck my gun in and started spraying. and i heard jiahao shouting "omfg" and haha he died. then yuanxiao was inside the toilet too and he stuck his gun out and fired 1 shot at me. haha but i still had 3 lifepoints then and obviously i ran. oh and the opposite team was damn sneaky. they went into the forest behind the toilet so we cannot see them at all. oh and there was one part when i hid behind a chair. there was a couple kissing behind me and i was quite embarrased to disturb them. coz the stupid gun noises were quite loud and they took glances at me haha. =x

after dat, we cooked dinner and had a group sharing session. being clumsy as usual, i toppled a plastic bag and dropped almost all of the chicken meat onto the floor. yea its my fault again...i think trouble follows everywhr i go. firstly, losing my wallet in the philippines. then breaking 2 spades. now, dropping all of the chicken meat onto the floor. ah ok i am dumb. oh and there's this girl named vicky in our group. she's like a 2nd linkang, totally owned us. wadeva she said, we juz couldnt shoot her back haha. oh and after dat, when we all gathered to move on, i was "taupoked" by like 15 ppl la. damn pain. coz i ran arnd smearing raw chicken juice on alot of ppl's face. haha =x

from labrador, we moved onto sentosa, whr the real tiring business starts. oh and it was alrdy like midnight when we went there. so we walked and walked like mad around the whole island. i think we all memorised the whole map of sentosa alrdy. haha. so we brisk walked until 7am in the morning. yea damn tiring. oh yah the whole while we were walking, we were laughing at a girl we nicknamed loudhailer. ok quite bad la but it was coz during one group's cheering, there was this girl dat shouted so damn loud and clear so we nicknamed her loudhailer. haha yea.

we were then dismissed. however, almost the whole of pjc odac went to the beach and played beach volleyball. uh ok then we went home. damn i haf to go now.

bang. im out
11:43 am <3


shoot me dead. Thursday, December 07, 2006

oh shoot me dead. please.

bang. im out
3:39 pm <3


shoot me dead. Monday, December 04, 2006

spent a night out as well as in (at dicky's hse) with my sec sch buddies yesterday. haha yea dicky i repeat. haven seen him in ages haha. yepp he seldom goes out wif us haha. and guess wad...he's juz as tall as ever and im still as short like i used to be. but hey, its not my fault dat im born this way. ok nevermind about dat.

ok we initially wanted to had dinner cum pool as usual at bukit timah. but dang, its hella boring if u keep going to the same place over and over again. moreover, peeps like junqin had sch the next day and doesnt want to reach home too late, thus we ended up eating dinner rite at lot1. =.=
yepp we went to eat at kfc and stupid lincoln kept complaining about the fats and fats in the chicken. haha he even picked up one chunk of fatty meat and said, "here wad im holding is, a bypass surgery." haha what the hell.

ok after kfc, we went to dicky's hse for a sleepover. yea i think dat the only one time in our lifetimes dat we get to sleepover at dicky's hse. dats coz his whole family is oversea i think. and guess wad we did when we were there. we danced the stupid playstation dance game like the one in the arcade "dance dance revolution". haha what the hell how dumb. we were more like monkeys jumping on the stupid game pad. and i tell u, it's a frickin gd way to exercise. juz playing for a short while and all of us were tired and sweating. ok after playing dat dumb game, we played another dumb game, wwe. ok dats a wrestling game if u dunno wad it is. and i tell ya, dicky and lincoln are gays. u know wad they did? they used 2 big guys and fought with one woman. wow how gay. summore they keep whacking and whacking but refuse to pin and win the match. after dat juz played fifa street and then went to "sleep".

we all slept in one room altho the whole hse is empty coz we didnt wan to be rude. actually even if we wanted, dicky wouldnt let us haha. ok so we all went into the room to sleep. but we ended up talking for god knows how long. we talked crap until only me and rk were awake. we continue to chat chat until it was 6am in the morning and we were supposed to wake up at like 7am. great. we decided to take a power nap but in the end we ended up oversleeping till about 8 haha. and yea as usual im the last to wake up. ah..>.<

bang. im out
10:28 am <3


shoot me dead. Sunday, December 03, 2006

hmm...ok im lazy to write up all the other days. to read wad happened, check out minghao and daniao's blog. i think they wrote wad happened bah. haha =x

bang. im out
1:05 pm <3
